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Advanced Research Communication

General data

Course ID: WB.SDSP.PhD-6
Erasmus code / ISCED: (unknown) / (unknown)
Course title: Advanced Research Communication
Name in Polish: Advanced Research Communication
Organizational unit: Institute of Environmental Sciences
Course groups:
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): 3.00 Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.

view allocation of credits
Language: English

Classes in period "2023/2024 summer semester" (in progress)

Time span: 2024-02-26 - 2024-06-16
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Class, 20 hours, 8 places more information
Lecture, 10 hours, 8 places more information
Coordinators: Ryszard Laskowski
Group instructors: Marcin Czarnołęski, Ryszard Laskowski
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - Grading
Learning outcomes of a component:

(in Polish) Knowledge

PhD student knows how to:

• search for scientific information, evaluate sources, select and integrate information;

• write scientific manuscript at the level acceptable in the best international journals;

• evaluate scientific quality of others’ research;

• effectively communicate scientific information to the community, using appropriate platforms;

• participate actively in scientific discussions.


PhD student is able to:

• communicate his/her research to scientific community as oral presentations, posters, and research and review papers;

• prepare a manuscript, submit it to an appropriate high rank scientific journal, and accept criticism from peers in a constructive way;

• participate actively in the peer review system: can assess the quality of research and a manuscript or grant proposal, can communicate

his opinion in a polite and constructive manner;

• communicate science to public through popular lectures and articles, active participation in public discussions, and consultancy.


• PhD student understands that science is based on full honesty and transparency, hence when doing research and communicating its results,

all details have to be specified in a way that is clear and detailed enough to let others repeat exactly the same study;

• PhD student is ready to accept comments, including criticism, in a constructive way, and understands that this is the best tool to improve his/

her scholarly work;

• PhD student understands the need to share his/her research results with general public and the role of this process in the educational and

financing systems

• PhD student understands and accepts that an important part of scientific approach is dissemination of her/his research results and exposition

of them to falsification tests;

• PhD student perceives other scientists as partners in discussion, even if they represent different fields of science;

• PhD student understands that even strong criticism should be always expressed in a polite and constructive manner.


(in Polish) None

Conditions of gaining credit:

(in Polish) • short scientific paper based either on own data or on meta-analysis – 30%

• manuscript review – 20%

• oral talk with computer-based presentation of scientific data to scientific community – 20%

• poster preparing and presentation to general public – 20%

• active participation in discussions (including critical evaluation of other presentations) – 10%

• attendance of at least 26 hours out of 30

Assessment methods and criteria for this course:

(in Polish) Evaluation of written reports and presentations. Evaluation of activity of PhD students during practicals.

Learning activities and teaching methods:

(in Polish) lecture, discussion, group project, individual project, review, self-evaluation, presentation

Full description: (in Polish)

The lectures will familiarize PhD students with the most important issues in writing scientific articles, making oral and poster conference presentations, and reviewing others work. Examples of well and purely done work will be presented and discussed with PhD students to pinpoint most important and common mistakes, and to learn the principles of good writing and presenting the work. During workshops PhD students will learn how to search and evaluate scientific information, and how to communicate science to the public; PhD students will be interviewed about different topics related to their specialties, but also to issues of more general interest. Each PhD student will submit a short research article and a review of a manuscript. This will require effective use of the skills learned in the first part of the course: information search, its verification, and summarizing the acquired knowledge. Each PhD student will also give oral presentation which will be followed by discussion, simulating conditions of a typical scientific meeting. This will expose PhD students to possible problems with understanding questions and formulating clear replies. The talks and discussions will be taped and analyzed later by the whole group, under teacher’s supervision. PhD students will also prepare posters aimed at general public, which will be reviewed by teachers and fellow PhD students. The posters should aim at popularizing scientific results.

Bibliography: (in Polish)

Carpenter, K. 2001. How to write a scientific article. The Journal of Paleontological Sciences: JPS.TD.07.0001. (http://www.aapsjournal.


Collier, J. M., Edmondson, S.-J. 2011. How to write a scientific article. Face Mouth & Jaw Surgery, 1: 5-10.

Comfort, J. 1996. Effective presentations: student’s book Oxford University Press.

Day, R. A., Gastel, B. 2006. How to write and publish a scientific paper. Cambridge University Press, 320 pp.

Fiedland, A. J., Folt, C. L. 2009. Writing succesful science proposals. Yale University, 201 pp.

Katz., M. J. 2009. From research to manuscript. A guide to scientific writing. Second edition. Springer, 205 pp.

McCarthy, M., O’Dell, F. 2008. Academic vocabulary in use. Cambridge University Press, 176 pp.

Shubrook, J.H., Kase, J., Norris, M. 2010. How to write a scientific article. Osteopathic Family Physician, 2: 148-152.

Stirling, J.W. 2001. Writing articles for scientific journals: A basic guide. Australian Journal of Medical Science, 22: 171-182.

Swales, J. M., Feak, C. B. 2009. Academic writing for graduate students: essential tasks and skills. University of Michigan, 331 pp.




Notes: (in Polish)

Advanced Research Communication 2023-2024

Lecturer Class Week day Date Start End Address Room

prof. Ryszard Laskowski lecture Wednesday 28/02/2024 16.00 18.00 Gronostajowa 7 1.0.4

prof. Ryszard Laskowski lecture Wednesday 06/03/2024 16.00 18.00 Gronostajowa 7 1.0.4

prof. Ryszard Laskowski lecture Wednesday 13/03/2024 16.00 18.00 Gronostajowa 7 1.0.4

dr hab. Marcin Czarnołęski lecture Wednesday 20/03/2024 16.00 18.00 Gronostajowa 7 1.0.4

dr hab. Marcin Czarnołęski lecture Wednesday 27/03/2024 16.00 18.00 Gronostajowa 7 1.0.4

dr hab. Marcin Czarnołęski workshop Wednesday 03/04/2024 16.00 19.00 Gronostajowa 7 1.0.4

dr hab. Marcin Czarnołęski workshop Wednesday 10/04/2024 16.00 19.00 Gronostajowa 7 1.0.4

dr hab. Marcin Czarnołęski workshop Wednesday 17/04/2024 16.00 19.00 Gronostajowa 7 1.0.4

prof. Ryszard Laskowski workshop Wednesday 24/04/2024 16.00 19.00 Gronostajowa 7 1.0.4

prof. Ryszard Laskowski workshop Wednesday 15/05/2024 16.00 19.00 Gronostajowa 7 1.0.4

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