Jagiellonian University in Kraków - Central Authentication System
Strona główna

Registration details

Course: Clinical Training
accepted: 104
expected: 230
Period: 2023/2024 winter semester
Course description, examination details and other information can be found at the course homepage.
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Current state and possible actions

Current registration mode: Direct registration for groups - FCFS mode
Course registration status: Students may apply for registration (they may also withdraw their applications or unregister).
Dedicated registration: NO - students have equal rights, regardless of their study programs/stages.
Is groups exchange allowed: YES - during this registration students may switch groups with each other.
Groups fulfilment state:
104/1321 (registered/limit)
Number of courses to select:
1 course
Is adding links required during registration:: YES
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The main idea of the direct registration to groups is that a student chooses a course and its groups at the same time, by selecting groups he/she would like to join. There are two variants of this type of group registration.
If a number of courses to choose has been set for this registration, then a total number of courses which student is allowed to register on can not be higher than a number of courses which student is granted to attend already and number of courses which student would like to register*.
In the 'first come first served' variant of the group registration the only way to join a group is to be ahead of other students who also want to join.
One of the possible side effects which may occur during this variant of group registration is server overload. The machine may have to serve many students in a short time period (and every one of them wants to be the first). It may either slow down significantly or even collapse.
* - the system counts all courses which student is granted to attend (status 'A' or 'X') and those which student wants to register (status 'P').
Information on deadlines and registration rules can be also found in the News section edited by your faculty

(in Polish) Rejestracja na zajęcia dowolne dla studentów IV roku kierunku lekarskiego S i N [WL-23/24-NKLIN.4]

show courses related to this registration
in progress, 34 days til end
2023-12-04 09:00 - 2024-06-23 23:00
Direct registration for groups - FCFS mode [description]
First phase
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Application statistics


Accepted = A+X - a sum of numbers of accepted applications and of people who registered in other ways. accepted: 104
+ P applications = P+A+X, we add a number of people who want to register (have applied, but their applications were not yet examined). So we get a total number of people who are willing to attend this course. + 0 applications: 104
expected - this is an estimated approximate limit for people allowed to attend this course expected: 230
rejected = Z+O rejected: 0


P - unexamined applications 0
A - accepted applications 100
Z - rejected applications 0
O - permanently rejected applications 0
U - withdrawn accepted applications 3
V - withdrawn applications 0
X - registered in other ways 4
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