Jagiellonian University in Kraków - Central Authentication System
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(in Polish) Przedmioty obowiązkowe dla roku studiów, fizjoterapia, stacjonarne jednolite magisterskie, 2 rok (course group defined by Faculty of Health Sciences)

Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences Courses displayed below are part of group defined by this faculty, but this faculty is not necessarily the one that organizes these courses. Read Help for more information on this subject.
Course group: (in Polish) Przedmioty obowiązkowe dla roku studiów, fizjoterapia, stacjonarne jednolite magisterskie, 2 rok
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Precisely - show only these courses which are related to such open registration which allows you to register for the course.

Additionally, courses which you are already registered for (or applied for registration) are also included.

No courses in this group
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